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Writing Portfolio

Business and web writing: Your B2B or Not-for-profit organization has a new product or service, or a ground-breaking idea.  Now what?  Let me help you break through the marketing noise with white papers, blogs, or web content that captures the imaginations or budgets of your audience or potential customers. 

Ghostwriting: You have the name or brand, and I have the expertise and experience to help you be viewed as a thought leader in your field. Whether through blogs, op-eds and articles, marketing copy (online or print), or books, I can bring your message to life while retaining your voice and identity.  


Scroll to the bottom of this page to contact me about any freelance writing opportunity.

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White Paper

"From Avoiding the Pitfalls to Achieving White Paper Success: A Guide for B2B Small Business and Marketing Entrepreneurs" (2020)

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Blog -- Business, Planning

"Your Strategic Planning Coach 2: Mission and Vision" (July 10, 2018)

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Blog -- Ethics, Technology

"The Political Dimension of Technology," Episode 6 of Being Responsible in the Age of Social Media, Cryptocurrency and Smart Weapons/Cars/ Phones (August 15, 2018)

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Nonfiction -- Ethics of Technology

"Complex Responsibility in an Age of Technology," in Living Responsibly in Community, ed. Fredrick E.  Glennon, et al. (University Press of America, 1997).  

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Nonfiction -- American History

"Ambassador McGovern: Elder Statesman," in George McGovern: A Political Life, A Political Legacy, Robert P. Watson (editor). (South Dakota State Historical Society Press, 2004).  Read Review


Poetry -- Featured Profile

Russell became the first American to be profiled by THE POET Magazine in its new Profiles feature.  THE POET Magazine is an International press publishing anthologies in print and providing several online services.


Poetry -- Ethical

"Stop It!" 433, 3/4/2021.   This is one of a series of poems I wrote (and will continue to write) in response to the racial-justice movements of today. 


Poetry -- Visual

Using the visual poetic technique of erasure, "At the Edge (of a Lake) explores the loss of self that accompanies many different human conditions like aging, depression, dementia, autism, addiction, and even the loss of love.  

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Poetry -- Experimental Form

"No Two Fires the Same" The Tiny Seed Literary Journal, June 2019.    An example of a narrative style presented in an experimental form, one poem about a campfire in Maine, the other a deadly wildfire in California.

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Poetry -- Ethical

"Flooding Ol' Jim's Grave" Breathe, November 2020.   This poem uses the hurricane-induced flooding of southern Louisiana as a metaphor for the racial-justice movements of today.

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Poetry -- Narrative

"Long Ago, Friday Night in Texas," "A Train at Night," and "Joy" in The Write Launch, Issue 38 (2020).    "Long Ago, Friday Night in Texas" and "A Train at Night" are prime examples of my narrative poetry.  "Joy" reflects another aspect of my poetry where I am seeking to examine reality a moment at a time. And yes, I am #63, long ago on a Friday night in Texas.

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Christian-Themed Poetry

These poems, which appeared July 2021 in the Agape Review, are from an as-yet-unpublished collection of 195 poems that serve as a companion to the Revised Common Lectionary.  Three other of these poems were published in 2021 by THE POET in an anthology called Faith.


Poetry & Analysis

"Not Mine To Be" and "Danaus Sentiensus" in Cathexis Northwest Press, November 2019.   Examples of my approach to a minimalistic style.  This link also includes a brief introduction and analysis of each piece.


Poetry -- Narrative, Satire & Rhymed

"Attic," "Thalia and Melpomene," and "And So We Sleep," in The Write Launch, Issue 38 (2020).   "Attic" is another representative of my narrative poetry.  "Thalia and Melpomene" is a satire on poetry. "And So We Sleep" is a more traditional rhyming-verse setting of contemporary life.

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Poetry --Ethical

"Judge Not By What Makes Us Small" in The Esthetic Apostle, February 2019.   An example of the ethical, culture-critical aspect of my poetry.  After The Esthetic Apostle became defunct, it was reprinted in The Phoenix Project of Second Chance Lit.

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Nonfiction -- Theological

Cosmic Witness: Commentaries on Science-Technology Themes.  With George L. Murphy and LaVonne Althouse.  (Lima, Ohio: CSS Publishing, 1996). Reviews on Publisher's Page   American Scientific Affiliation Review

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Case Study - Academic

"The Gift of a Broken Body: A Case Study with Teaching Note." Journal for Case Teaching 7 (Fall 1995, published Summer 1996).

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